Saturday 10 May 2014

The 'historic' fourth post

Once upon a time there was a lady, precisely, happily married and mother of two, who one day got a call from her husband telling her that  their marriage has gone kaput without a substantial reason whatsoever. The envelope of her happiness is torn apart by the cruel hands of destiny and like any Bollywood flicks she vows into getting him back, her first love. After turning pages of unnecessarily created situations and hours of boring read, you finally find her husband returning to her with heart full of remorse (one thing that is most unlikely on the part of any man on this planet). Yes, I take pride being a feminist at times for in the end male chauvinism and feminism germinates from the same seed called emotion.Kindly do not misjudge my humble purpose behind bugging you with this expected climate of the most expected plot from a novel I’ve recently perused. No, I am in no mood to switch my profession from a journo to an orator nor was it a suggestion for you to read the book. It nowhere provided me a delightful time pass but helped me recognize my urge to reconcile with my first love, playing with words. I decided on the spur that now since it has been nearly an epoch of my divorce with creativity, I should mend things with the Eco-system of alphabet and provide some nutrition to my electronic diary with the food of another post, My fourth Post! Applause intended.  

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